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Haneen Hamed Aljanaby, Sarah H.A. Alsaebari, Fatima S.S. Awad,
Inverse Odd Neighbor in D^{-1}^c Domination Number in Graphs.
Int. J. Math. Comput. Sci., 20, no. 1, (2025), 285-290


Keywords and phrases:

Odd neighbor dominating set, inverse odd neighbor dominating set, inverse odd neighbor domination number.


In this paper, we introduce a new definition of an inverse domination number called an inverse odd neighbor in D^{- 1}^c domination number. For any connected graph G, D is a minimum odd neighbor in D^c dominating set if D^c has a dominating set, say D^{-1}, with vertices dominating to an odd number of vertices in D^{-1}^c. This set is called an inverse odd neighbor in D^{-1}^c domination number.